Thursday, April 17, 2008

How to print database into a table using pysqlite

from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite

TABLE_NAME = 'people'
SELECT = 'select * from %s order by age, name_last' % TABLE_NAME

con = sqlite.connect("mydb")

cur = con.cursor()

# Print a header.
for fieldDesc in cur.description:
print fieldDesc[0].ljust(FIELD_MAX_WIDTH) ,
print # Finish the header with a newline.
print '-' * 78

# For each row, print the value of each field left-justified within
# the maximum possible width of that field.
fieldIndices = range(len(cur.description))
for row in cur:
for fieldIndex in fieldIndices:
fieldValue = str(row[fieldIndex])
print fieldValue.ljust(FIELD_MAX_WIDTH) ,

print # Finish the row with a newline.

The output is

name_last            age
Putin 51
Lebed 53
Zhirinovsky 57
Yeltsin 72

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